![]() Night Vision at Lake Powell - A Very Short Story![]() by Joseph A. Sprince - Photography by Gerald B. Allen![]() It's late afternoon, and we're urgently seeking a campsite on the shore of Lake Powell following a long day of fishing. We'd prefer a nice secluded and sheltered side canyon with enough of a beach to stretch the legs. But today we must settle for a small island in the middle of a large bay. It's really only a rock monolith with a small gravel beach formed by the monolith's erosion over the eons. No trees, little vegetation, not much room to move around. At least the sun is now low, and the heat of the day is dissipating. We set up our sleeping bags on the sloped gravel pile. It may not be too comfortable but we will get a nice view of the bay while lying down. Our vista is a mile or two of now-placid bay with sandstone cliffs crowding the distant shoreline. For good measure, a near-full moon is rising. The first order of business is to eat our day's catch for dinner, mostly bass but also one very tasty walleye. Then we get comfortably seated toward our view, and Dale, our fishing guide, produces a bottle of Jack which we share until it's gone. Unaccustomed to the drink, I passed out pretty quick into a deep sleep. Suddenly, I snap awake to a most unbelievable sight. It must be about 4:00am. The almost full moon is sinking into a light bank of clouds just above the distant cliffs. The moon is a brilliant orange, and the cliffs beneath it are glowing orange, too. But, most stunning is a narrow, bright orange trail of moonlight reflected along the water, like the beam of a searchlight. It originates at the cliffs, crosses the bay and ends at the edge of the beach right in front of me! I try to rouse Gerry in the hopes that he can photograph this phenomenon. After several groggy "lemme alones!" I leave him alone. Dale can be ornery, and I decide to leave him alone, too. In the morning, they both pooh-pooh my story, say I was probably dreaming, whatever. One of the most beautiful scenes in all my years of travel, and no one believes me or cares! Sometimes there are special things that can belong only to you, and they can't be shared.
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